A country I'd like to visit

There are many places I would like to visit, but one of them is definitely Perú. I don't know much about the country itself to be honest, but I really enjoy peruvian food. Also Perú has many interesting cultures and archaeological sites to visit. One of them is Chavín de Huantar, a site of the so called Chavín culture. This site is located at the Huari district and consists on a temple built in between 1500-300 BC mostly of lithic material. Also it was declared World Heritage in 1985. 

This building has many interesting aspects like the ancient engineering used to bring sound and light inside strategic places of the temple, since it was constructed to bring a magic experience to the priests and public that were under the influence of ancient psychoactive substances in a ritual context, so they could feel the spirit of the Jaguar and other deities.

Since I learned about that archaeological site I just wanted to go there and appreciate this beautiful place, specially the iconography representations of the Jaguar and other deities. Also I want to eat a lot of Suspiro Limeño and take many pictures.


  1. Amazing, previous this blog i don't know too much from Perú. After read this I would like go to this interesting country

  2. hi francisca, go to peru sounds really good, i love de preuvian food to. visit there culture and look at its architecture.

  3. This is great, I would really like to go to Perú after reading this, it´s very interesting

  4. My dad and I want to go to Machu Pichu one day. I hope you can go.


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